One of the riskiest sporting adventure one can think of is Whitewater Kayaking. If you are Kayaking, special attention should be paid to safety, and precautions should be your watch word. To maximise your safety, you will need to practice very well before you start Kayaking. On few occasions, the Kayak may capsize. When this happens, the person who is paddling the Kayak is turned upside down while still stuck in the seat of the Kayak/Boat. On occasions like this, you will need to wear a floating gear to avoid drowning. It is also important that you do not panic as this will make you loose control of the situation and the consequences may be fatal.
In order words, it is better and safer that you must have completed your Kayaking practice sessions in waters that are not deep prior to your initial Kayaking. Test and efficiently master all the Kayaking strokes to keep the Kayak afloat and balanced. With this done, there is lesser chance of your Kayak capsizing when you are sporting or travelling with it.
Let's us take a look at some of the rules of Kayaking.
1. Always have a safety gear while Kayaking.
2. You must always wear a life jacket while Kayaking.
The above requirements are put in place by the Coast Guards as a rule and by most countries and you must abide by them.
Below are some answers to some problem situations that might arise while Kayaking.
How do I help myself when my Kayak/boat tumbles?
If you are Kayaking in Whitewater the best thing to do will be to disengage yourself from the boat as quickly as you can. Because allowing yourself a little while longer can increase your danger as rocks pave way and water runs faster in Whitewater. If you have practiced before Kayaking, you should be able to hold your breath for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute in preparation for this event whenever it happens.
Is it possible for me to gain access and balance to the Kayak again?
Yes it is. However, this depends on the make and type of the Kayak, that is why you will need to have a good understanding of the Kayak before Kayaking. It is recommended that you see the user manual of any Kayak you will be using. This will give you insight on how to best handle any Kayak when problem situations like this arises.
What type of clothing should I put on while Kayaking?
If you will be Kayaking on temperate area where you are at a risk of freezing, then Wet Suit is advised in addition to the life jacket that you will be wearing. However, if you are not on temperate zone, there is no need for a wet suit.
Is Rushing recommended if my boat tumbles?
You don't have to rush. Allow the floating of the boat to carry you safely to the shore. Unless you have a fast running water, which will obviously rush you to wherever you maneuver yourself to.
Is there any standard rule that Kayakers must follow?
From the forgoing, it is evident that there are some rules that must be followed for you to successfully and safely Kayak. These I have mentioned throughout this article as stated above, do well to go through them and you will have little or no problem when you are ready for one of the most exciting, adventurous, and exciting sports of our time in the natural waters.
Joe Okoro writes about Kayaking in his free reports. You can sign up for his courses and get additional information by visiting:
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Highly Advised Safety precautions for Kayakers and Boat Riders!
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