If you own a kayak, you probably need to have a rack to transport it to and from the water. Yakima car and truck racks are trustworthy racks for taking your kayak wherever you need to go.
If you want to buy for a kayak rack, look for the best of the best. A Yakima rack is the best you can find today. When you are transporting your kayak, you want to be sure that it is securely strapped on without concern that it could fall off.
Yakima produces a big variety of styles of racks for cars and trucks. The most important thing for buying the proper kayak rack is to buy one that best fits the your vehicle. It is easy. Yakima offers all the details you need to know about their racks and models. They make buying a rack easy for you.
Yakima "Hully Rollers"
The Hully Rollers install on your vehicle's roof. They are four wheels that roll from front to rear and side to side. All you have to do is get the back of your kayak to the first set of wheels and roll it on to the roof! This installation is easy!
Yakima "Mako" Model
You use this rack system if you already have storage racks on the roof of your vehicle. The Mako models include two sets of saddle straps that go over the kayak and attach to the racks on the roof. They are easy to put on and take off.
These are only two of Yakima's kayak racks. There are a lot more to choose among. Like the two above, they install easily and are an excellent system for any vehicle and kayak. You can get Yakima kayak racks anywhere you buy kayaks. They are extremely popular and reliable.
Thanks to your new rack you will soon be transporting your kayak to the water with peace of mind.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you buy kayak racks at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
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Don't Risk Damage to Your Kayak - Transport It In Safety
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Be Prepared For Your Kayaking Adventure With the Corrrect Paddles
The paddle is probably the most important part of kayaking. Harmony paddles are the best for both new and experienced kayakers.
Professional and sporting kayakers know how important paddles are to their kayaking abilities. Harmony kayak paddles are top-of-the-line kayak paddles. They are definitely what you want. In kayaking, paddles are the last item that you want to cut corners on. Most of the time, they are more significant than the kayak itself.
Harmony paddles are made in three different styles:
1. Recreational
2. White Water
3. Touring
You must choose one in the same way that you chose your kayak. How will you want to use your kayak? You will want to buy the best paddles for your interests in the sport. Harmony paddles are available almost everywhere that sells kayaks! You can easily find paddles of various sizes and lengths. You want to buy paddles that are compatible with the length of your kayak.
Some people don't believe that buying the right paddles can involve so much research and thought. The paddles you buy make a big difference in your kayaking. You will find that Harmony paddles are made with various materials in many widths, lengths and textures. There is a large variety to select from and can easily find the best set of paddles for you and your kayak.
Don't forget that the paddles have to be bought before the kayak. Harmony paddles will be your first purchase related to your kayak. The more advanced your kayaking experience is going to be the more advanced your paddles must be. If you are a beginner, you do not have to worry because the average recreational paddle is all you will need.
Begin your kayaking adventure with the best paddles. The better the paddles, the better your kayaking experience will be. Test them for yourself, and you will experience the difference immediately!
Following this advice will ensure you start this exciting sport with the best possible preparation.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you buy kayak paddles at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
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Buying Your Kayaking Equipment - A Beginners Guide
Having a new kayak is a fun, exciting adventure. But it is important to know about the right accessories for you new hobby.
If you are going to buy a kayak, you have to think long and hard about your kayak equipment. The equipment is significantly more important than the kayak itself. You should always buy kayaking equipment before you buy the boat. That way, you will buy the best equipment and will not buy cheaply made items because you spent all your money on the boat.
If you don't have the best equipment, you will have a kayaking experience that is far less enjoyable than it otherwise would have been. Here is an equipment list:
Life jackets
Foot wear
Wet suit
Paddle float
Spray skirts
Dry bags
Each of those items are completely essential to buy if you plan to own and use your kayak. Without the right equipment, you will enjoy your kayaking experience less. The most essential piece of equipment is the paddles. Without dependable paddles, you will have trouble paddling, and you will not enjoy your kayaking adventure as much as you would have.
Wet suits may not be necessary for everyone. Wet suits are necessary only if you plan to kayak in cold weather and cold water. This is usually for professional kayakers and extreme-kayaking fans.
It's important to remember life jackets! This is a vital piece of equipment. You could get into rough water or roll in your kayak and find yourself with no way of keeping your head out of the water. Not wearing one is against the law and dangerous to your safety. Make sure that your flotation devices fit you and your passengers properly and that you have extra one in the boat.
When you have taken care of these kayaking requirements, you will be prepared to take your boat on the water!
Hopefully this article will help you on your way to enjoying this great sport.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you buy kayak equipment at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
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Going On Holiday? Take A Kayaking Tour
When you go on vacation, you will probably want to try something new. Sea kayak tours are a great option for adventure that is safe.
A kayak sea tour is a great activity for a vacation. Such tours are popular in tropical locations. In fact, a large percentage of people use kayaks. You do not have to be a strong kayaker as long as you enjoy it. When you sign up for kayak sea tours, an experienced guide always accompanies you to help you if you have problems. Every year, more and more people are taking kayak sea tours. The tours are enjoyable, great exercise and a wonderful tropical adventure!
There are many different things to do on a kayak sea tour. You can select activities including scuba diving, fishing, deep sea snorkeling, island exploring and a whole lot more! These are excellent and very exotic trips that anyone would love! When you are kayaking, it makes everything seem different. Kayaking on the ocean is not the same as kayaking on a placid lake. You will find yourself surrounded by giant waves and being tossed around by them! But the waves are part of the fun. You of course wear a life jacket and learn all the safety rules before going out.
Sea tours are usually priced at a reasonable rate for tourists and can be found almost anywhere! It is excellent exercise and lots of fun!
Imagine waking at 7 a.m. and pushing a long kayak from the white sand beach into the cool blue water. Spending the whole day kayaking across the ocean and taking in the exotic scenery and water. The next time you are on vacation, look for these tours! You will have the time of your life, and there is no risk! No matter where you happen to be in the tropics, kayaking tours are something that you will discover that you always enjoy!
I hope you will explore the opportunities of sea kayaking and join me in a most enjoyable sport.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you find canoes and kayaks at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
This article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact. Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
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Great For Beginners - The Inflatable Sit-On-Top Kayak
For beginners, inflatable kayaks are usually the place to start learning. Sit-on-top models have introduced many people to this growing sport.
Inflatable kayaks are a great way to go for leisure and recreational purposes. Inflatable sit-on-top kayaks are becoming more popular. Kayaking is catching on as the sport that everyone wants to try.
For those who can't spend much money or who may not yet be serious about kayaking, an inflatable kayak may be the place to begin. They are adequate, and a variety of models are available, just like their hard-shell brothers.
Inflatable, sit-on-top kayaks work on any type of water. They are durable enough to go into rough waters without being punctured. Sit-on-top kayaks usually have two seats on top of the kayak instead of a seat inside like normal kayaks.
The advantage for beginners is the different style and technique of kayaking gained by sitting on top of the boat. Beginners may want to try an inflatable, sit-on-top kayak. Traveling with them is easier, and storing them is, too.
You want to make your first kayak experience the best that it can be. You will likely love the sport if you have the best equipment. Inflatable, sit-on-top kayaks have advantages, including comfort and the fact that you may well be more confident when you are on top of, instead of inside, the kayak.
Top brands such as Hobie Cat and Coleman have unbeatable kayaks, so quality will never be a problem.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you buy a kayak or canoe at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
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At Last - Hands Free Kayaking Using Foot Pedals
Hobie Cat's new Mirage kayak turns the kayaking world on its head with a system that keeps boaters' hands free. The new technology is sure to change how people look at kayaking.
Hobie Cat is one of the world's top kayak makers. The Hobie Mirage kayak is the only "hands-free" kayak ever made. Hobie Cat has completely changed kayaking and the pool of buyers for the sport.
The Mirage is the first kayak with a flipper system that has pedals and steering. Two removable flippers beneath the kayak move in opposite directions when boaters pedal, like a paddleboat but much faster. The kayak's design lets it move easily and quickly. The flippers come off for travel. The system has a self-cleaning property to protect from the normal wear of kayak usage. The flippers adjust to the size of the boater and can be stowed so that they do not scrape in shallow areas.
The Hobie Cat Mirage is one of the best kayaks on the market. Take advantage of this innovative, versatile creation that anyone can use for almost any type of kayaking.
The flipper system gives you a whole-body workout. Your upper body can row while your lower body pedals. The system is a big help if you tire of rowing or need to get to your destination quickly.
Hobie Cat's hands-free kayaks are the fastest line of kayaks ever made. The Mirage is perfect for everyone!
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you buy a kayak or canoe at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info. This article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact.
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Beginner Kayaker? Find the Best Kayak Paddle
Buying a good paddle is as important as buying a good kayak. There are many different paddles to choose from.
When you are shopping for kayak equipment and accessories, a paddle should be among the first things that you buy. Carlisle kayak paddles are one of the best brands you can get. They are built for several types of kayak adventures. It is easy to find one that works for you.
Recreational Paddles
Carlisle builds recreational paddles in three styles. All three are specifically designed and perfect for recreational use.
The Tripper model is an entry level paddle with a special grip for beginners.
The RS Magic is a standard paddle for recreation. It works for any age and any kayaking skill level and is available in glass or lightweight anodized aluminum.
The RS Magic 2 is made especially for women and children. It is shorter and designed for the average body size. The slightly-spooned design produces smooth and powerful paddling.
White Water Paddles
Magic White Water is Carlisle Designs only whitewater paddle. This paddle is suited for beginners but still strong enough for experts to take into that exciting white water!
All of these various paddle types are perfect for any kayaker. It is easy to find the paddle that is best for your needs right here! Don't forget that the paddles are in some ways more important than the kayak. Without a good paddle, your boat becomes less useful. Good paddles cut the water better so that the kayak is more able to glide smoothly through the water. Get the most from your kayak and make sure that you buy top-notch paddles that your kayak deserves.
Carlisle has built a sleek line of paddles for all levels of boaters and every kind of use. When you buy your kayak, keep in mind how you are planning to use it. You should do the same thing when you are deciding which paddles to buy. This will help you ensure that you get the best paddles for your kayaking style.
About the Author: Canoeing and Kayaking Information will help you with great deals, tips and news, information and reviews about all aspects of kayaking.
Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info
This article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact.
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Ocean Kayaks
Time to get started on this topic of ocean kayaks. Take a few moments to read every aspect of this article that hopefully be of a great help.
If you think kayaking can be done on only quiet water of lake or river, then it is not probable that kayaking can be done on any water surface. Whitewater kayaking is more popular than ocean kayaking; ocean kayaking is also admired by many people. Ocean kayaking is great choice for surfing.
Usually kayaks are slim boats widely exploited for sailing on still lake waters. So to use such kayaks on ocean some modifications is required, they have to adopt to always ever-changing ocean's unpredictable weather condition and huge brute strength of ocean. Considering this many changes are done for normal rigorous kayak to transform it into ocean kayak. So it is well said about ocean kayak that "Ocean kayaks are bit dissimilar and some modifications and differences make them better".
Most important adjustment in ocean kayaks is that they are huge; means have longest length than convention kayaks. These ocean kayaks are about fifteen asset feet longer and about Twenty-six inches wider. Cockpit of ocean kayaks can be reinforced as per your spec if you want it large choose larger, if you want it small, take smaller.
Modern ocean kayaks can be made up of many variety types of materials, sizes and in many different designs. Two main types in ocean kayaks are strict kayaks and folding kayaks. There many different innovations are done with traditional craft and modern technology. Some new designs are recreational kayaks and sit on top kayaks, inflatable kayaks, surf kayaks or surf skies.
The most common sizing of an ocean kayaks is in between Twelve to Fifteen feet and commonly kayaks long lengths are built for two paddlers. Ocean kayaks normally 18" to 28" wide but some special case of kayaks like surf skies, which is particularly configured for wave surfing is very narrow. Longer length of ocean kayaks increases their power to navigation in straight line. And wider space allows more storage area.
Ocean kayaks can be made using many special types of material like rotomolded polyethylene, carbon Kevlar or more often Using fiberglass or even sometime local material like foam core or carbon fibers are exploited for building these kayaks. Hand-crafted kayaks are commonly made up of wood sometimes wood strips are covered by fiberglass. If ocean kayaks are of skin on frame then main frame of kayak is covered by canvas, Dacron or some other character of fabric.
Ocean kayaks sometimes have steering gear wheel in form or skegs or rudder. Ordinarily rudders are connected at stern and operated using wires from cockpit. For beach landing these rudders are retractable. Essentially skegs are straight blades which throw well in the stem of boat. These gearing are there for smoothen paddling when there is strong ocean wind.
Paddles exploited for ocean kayaks are different. There are three basic types of paddles for ocean kayaks are seen, European paddles, Greenland paddles and wing paddles.
Ocean kayaks are now used universal for marine journeys, does not matter for long low they are used from few hours to many weeks; they are becoming more popular with going years. For further data please check our net site
About the Author:
Michael Malega presents several Ocean Kayaks articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site at: Ocean Kayaks http://www.ocean-kayaks.net/Ocean-Kayaks.php
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Kayaking is Increasing in General Popularity !
Kayaking is increasing in general popularity. And one major reason is that they are not as expensive as boats and even by yourself, It´s fun. Kayaking is the use of a kayak for moving across water. Kayaking is generally differentiated from canoeing by the fact that a kayak has a closed cockpit and a canoe has an open cockpit. However, there are many sit-on-top kayaks, and these boats are growing in popularity. They also use a two bladed paddle. Another major difference is in the way the paddler sits in the boat. Kayakers sit in a seat on the bottom of the boat with their legs extended out in front of them. Canoeists will either sit on an elevated bench seat or kneel directly on the bottom of the boat. Whitewater kayaking involves taking a kayak down rapids. Sea kayaking sometimes also referred to as Ocean Kayaking involves taking kayaks out on to the ocean or other open water i.e a lake. Sea kayaking can involve short paddles with a return to the starting point or "put-in" or expeditions covering many miles and days. Kayaking of all kinds has continued to increase in general popularity through the 1990s and early 21st century. Kayaks are classified by their intended use. There are five primary classifications: whitewater, surf, touring/expedition, light touring/day tripping and general recreation. From these primary classifications stem many sub-classes. For example, a fishing kayak is simply a general recreation kayak outfitted with features and accessories that make it an easier kayak to fish from. Also within these classifications are many levels of performance which further separate the individual models. In other words, not all touring kayaks handle the same. There are two major configurations of kayaks - "sit on tops" which as the name suggests involves sitting on top of the kayak in an open area and "cockpit style" which involves sitting with the legs and hips inside the kayak hull and a "spray skirt" that creates a watertight barrier around the waist. Whether a kayak is a sit-on-top or a cockpit style has nothing to do with which classification it falls under. Both configurations are represented in each of the five primary classifications. While most kayaks are designed to be paddled by a single person, other configurations include tandem and even triple cockpit boats. Because of their range and adaptability, Kayaking is popular amongst divers, fishers, and adventure enthusiasts. The current marathon kayaking world champion is Owen Dabney. To find out more about the great kayaking life, visit: http://www.futuretips.net/
About the Author: http://www.futuretips.net/
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Being Safe When Ocean And Sea Kayaking
If you are looking for a lot of excitement and adventure then you would enjoy sea and ocean kayaking. More and more adventures are looking for a new way to go kayaking that will give them a whole new way to experience fun in the water. Ocean kayaking has a lot to offer. Learning how to paddle the ocean kayak is easy but that doesn’t mean that you know all that you must before going out on an adventure. There is a lot more to kayaking than simple how to paddle. Ocean kayaking safety is something that needs to be taken seriously. Before going kayaking on the ocean you should make sure that you have enough experience to stay safe. After all, safety is the number one concern.
Ocean kayaking is a hobby that both men and women alike can enjoy. The one main requirement is that you are physically fit. Kayaking requires a variety of physical requirement ranging from gentle to very exhausting. You will must be able to keep up with all the requirements to be able to go kayaking. If you enjoy an activity that puts your muscles to the test, then you will certainly love kayaking. Just make sure that you always follow the safety guidelines so you can have a safe adventure.
Tips for sea and ocean kayaking include always staying safe. There are many ways to do this. Start by knowing what you are getting into. For example, understand how the waves and current will affect you. The tides and the wind will play a big role on your safety so know how to deal with these and if the wind gets to strong its best to get off the water. Check the weather in advance for high wind adversaries and bad weather. Check your gear to make sure its in good condition and that you have everything. Make sure a close friend or family members know of your plans and all the details that are involved.
When sea and ocean kayaking, safety in every area is very important. When out on the water you should always find out ahead of time where you can take your kayak. There will be a lot of other boats and even ships of all sizes on the water with you therefore; you have to know where in the water you will be safest. Having reflectors on your kayak to make it easier to see is a smart idea and you should always wear bright clothing. Make sure that you have a form of communication available and a backup system wouldn’t hurt either. Help keep sea and ocean kayaking fun by keeping it safe.
About the Author: Do you search for new exciting ways to spend your vacations? Have you ever tried Ocean Kayaking? Learn more at http://www.allkayaking.com/
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Using Inflatable Kayaks
Kayaking is one of the most enjoyed hobbies in the world. People travel for many miles to get a chance to join in on this type of adventure. It is exciting and changeling. It challenges a person both physically and mentally. It is one of the most enjoyed hobbies around. Before you go ocean kayaking you will have to choose a kayak to use. There are several styles on the market each with their own specific advantages. The inflatable kayak is one of the choices that you will have available to you. These are a great choice and a very safe kayak to use. In fact, inflatable kayaks safety is proven to meet or exceed any other style of kayak.
One thing that makes inflatable kayaks so safe is because they have so much buoyancy. They will sit up higher in the water and allow you to place more weight in them. Having all this buoyancy also helps them to float better as well. Inflatable kayaks are more stable than other types of kayaks. This is because they have a flat bottom design with a lower center of gravity. They are safer because they do not tip over as easily. These factors combined make the inflatable kayak one of the safest ones around.
You will not have to worry about these kayaks flipping when you are in waters that turn rough or if someone traveling with you decides to stand up. They are made to be tough. They will not puncture easily. Inflatable kayaks can also cost you a lot less than other styles. When it comes to transporting them it’s a breeze. They fold up nice and need and can be carried easily in a duffel bag or the back seat of your car. When you think about it there are a lot of advantages to choosing an inflatable kayak over other styles.
For an investment that will be money well spent you should consider inflatable kayaks. They have a lot to offer the serious kayaker. When you plan your trip you also need to ensure your safety by following all safety guidelines. You should do a full inspection to make sure that you have all of your safety equipment ready and that it is in good working condition. Have a repair kit with you at all times. Inflatable kayaks are durability but sometimes strange event can occur and it’s best to be prepared. Being safe means having the opportunity to return and go for another adventure at a later date.
About the Author: Do you know what are the inflatable kayaks used for? Do you want to know if they are safe? Find out even more at http://www.allkayaking.com/inflatable-kayaks.htm
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Learn How To Go Ocean Fishing, In A Kayak
There's nothing like the combination of the thrill of fishing and the solitude of ocean kayaking.
Don't you think ocean kayak fishing sounds wonderful? Anyone can do it, not just professional kayakers! All that is required is the right kind of kayak and you can be on your way. Imagine floating in your kayak in the middle of the ocean, having an enjoyable day of fishing. It could be you! It is important to have basic kayaking skills for this kind of kayaking activity. The only difference between fishing in your back yard, fishing in your kayak and fishing in the ocean is the kind of kayak.
It is certain that you will find that ocean-style kayaks cost much more than other types of kayaks. You want to be sure that you buy a good kayak, because the ocean can be a dangerous place if you do not have the best equipment. Ocean kayaks are easy to find, but they may be hard to select among. Choosing a kayak is a difficult decision unless you are well-informed. Knowing what is required is important. It makes your decision so much easier.
Ocean-style kayaks are very much more durable than other kayaks. Ocean kayaks are built for comfort and speed. They have tall backrests because of the type of waves you will come in contact with. There also are a more storage places that are great to keep your fishing gear and other equipment in so you do not dump them in the water.
Ocean kayaks can be bought at most kayak dealers and ocean-fishing stores. They cost a bit more but are a worthy investment. When you have bought a great ocean kayak, you are ready to begin your fishing adventures. Kayaking is a wonderful way to fish. It makes for a relaxing and enjoyable trip wherever you go. Now's the time to start catching those huge ocean fish.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews about canoes and kayaks at CanoesAndKayaks.info.
This article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact. Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
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The Cobra Tandem Kayak - A Review
The Cobra tandem kayak offers unmatched flexibility. It allows you to use it with another person for whatever your adventure is.Tandem has built various kayak models but none of them can compete with the Cobra Tandem kayak. This kayak is one of the best currently on the market, certainly one of the most stable! Whatever the reason is that you are buying a kayak, the Cobra Tandem will be perfect for you. It is suitable for all your recreational adventures.The Cobra Tandem is among the lightest kayaks available. It is lighter that any other in the tandem collection, weighing a mere 57 pounds. Weight is an important factor in selecting a kayak. Heavier kayaks are often harder to maneuver than lighter ones. Also, a lightweight kayak is easier to transport and load onto the roof of your vehicle. Easier travel makes it more likely that you will want to go places with your kayak.The Cobra is made with a front and a rear seat, with room in the middle for another seat. You might find it useful to invest proper seating rather than the seating supplied as it is a bit basic. It is designed to let you socialize while you paddle. This aspect makes your kayak experience so much more enjoyable and comfortable.With plenty of underdeck storage room for cargo and accessories, your kayak can give you an enjoyable day trip! The Cobra tandem is among the few kayaks that can go on flat water, on the ocean and can be used for surf kayaking. You can have a large amount of fun time in the Cobra tandem. It is perfect for anybody!If you have been looking for the best kayak, look no more. The Cobra tandem is absolutely perfect regardless of what your plans for it are. The Cobra is not expensive. Even though it seats three people, it is lightweight! You won't find a better kayak. With a name like tandem on to it, it must be good! You will risk nothing with this kayak; you will fall in love with it at first sight!
About the Author: Canoes and Kayaks Information will help you with great deals, tips and news, information and reviews about all aspects of boating. Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.infoThis article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact.
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How To Transport Your New Kayak? Get A Car Rack
Right after you buy a kayak, you'll find you also need to buy a car rack to carry it. There are three types of car racks to choose among.People who are shopping for car racks notice right away that there are many to choose from. There are many ways to travel with your kayak on the roof of your vehicle. You want to choose the best one for your kayak and your vehicle. You want to be sure the system that you pick is reliable and suitable for your kayak's size. All three types of kayak mountings are efficient, depending on the vehicle and the kayak.Vertical Support SystemThe vertical support system normally goes on the rear of the vehicle and is usually used on vans or SUVs. The holder has upright poles and straps to keep the kayak in position.Saddle SystemThe saddle system has four padded holders attached to the vehicle for the kayak to sit on. Straps wrap around the kayak to hold it fast. Roller SystemThe roller system is similar to the saddle system except it has wheels that make loading and removing the kayak easier.People usually travel with their kayaks on the roof. Each system works reliably with proper installation, and each system adjusts to the size of the kayak and works for all vehicles. So just choose one, put it on and hit the road and the water!
About the Author: Canoes and Kayaks Information will help you with great deals, tips and news, information and reviews about all aspects of boating. http://www.canoesandkayaks.infoThis article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact.
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How To Protect Your Kayak From Bad Weather
No other brand of kayak cover competes with Danuu Kayak Covers. Danuu covers are created with ease of use and top quality in mind.Danuu Kayak Covers have been shown repeatedly to be the best in their class. Danuu makes covers with a standard of quality that is higher than anyone else's. The double-layered, double-stitched material at each end of the cover protects against rips. The covers protect kayaks from excessive sun exposure and other conditions. Danuu covers are designed to be easy to use so there is no problem putting them on. You simply drape it over the kayak and cinch the straps (four to six of them, depending on the size of the kayak), and you are ready to roll.Danuu covers also feature built-in air holes that ensure that the cover does not catch the wind. A red flag built into the cover makes it easy to find and mark the end of the kayak. Danuu's covers are the most effective and the easiest to use kayak cover on the market.Serious kayakers absolutely have to check out Danuu covers. They are an essential element of kayaking and are worth every cent. If you travel with your kayak and want to keep it in like-new condition, you need to get a Danuu cover. Treat yourself and buy one.
About the Author: Canoes and Kayaks Information will help you with tips and news, information and reviews about all aspects of boating. http://www.canoesandkayaks.infoThis article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact.
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Inflatable Kayak vs Hardshell - Which Should You Choose?
There are many choices to make when you are buying a kayak - hardshell versus inflatable is one. But with a trusted brand like Stearns, you don't have to worry.If you have not yet bought a kayak, you should know there are advantages of an inflatable kayak over a hardshell kayak. Inflatables are easier to store, transport and enjoy. If you are a beginner or a kayak hobbyist, you ought to consider an inflatable kayak? Stearns makes inflatable kayaks with high quality and that don't cost much. You can choose from several styles. And you will find one suitable to your needs with Stearns inflatable kayaks. Many famous companies make great kayaks, but Stearns is a name that you are able to trust. The company creates kayaks for leisure and recreation, in addition to competition, sport and more. It doesn't matter what kind of kayaking you do, you can find an excellent inflatable kayak from Stearns. You might not believe it at first, but inflatable kayaks are just as good, if not better than hardshell kayaks, in several ways. After your kayak is inflated, you will discover that its cockpits and compartments are the same size, and it is comfortable. You can easily find one that suits your interests among the several different kinds from which you can choose. You can find excellent Stearns inflatable kayaks at sporting and wilderness stores. Stores that sell kayaks have Stearns inflatable kayaks. When you view them firsthand, you will immediately see the many similarities of the inflatable to the hardshell. With so many brands of inflatable kayaks available, there is a lot of competition. Do not let the many names confuse you. Pick the one that has proved to be the best. Stearns inflatable kayaks are among the best brands. I hope you will find this information useful and that you join me very soon in the great sport of kayaking.
About the Author: You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you find inflatable kayaks at CanoesAndKayaks.info.This article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact. Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
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When Is Your Next Cruise
Why Take a Cruise Vacation? Well, with all the cruise lines available, all the cruise destinations, and the range of prices, there exists a cruise to please even the most jaded traveler.If you think about it, it's an extremely cost-effective and time-efficient way to take a holiday. Consider all the time you'd spend driving yourself to several different destinations, packing and unpacking at each hotel, and searching for restaurants and other services. On a cruise you don't drive anywhere for seven, ten, fourteen days or even even more. Even if you were on a bus tour with no driving yourself, you haul your luggage or at least one package and unpack it at every new stop. On a cruise, you check your luggage when you check in and it magically appears in your cabin, stateroom, or even suite. You're at home for the duration of the cruise. And the food! Every ship has several restuarants staffed by world-class chefs, and the cost of the food is included as part of the cruise. At each port, guided tours are available so you won't miss any local attractions. Supervised activities such as snorkeling are available to keep the children occupied. And at the end of your holidy staff will pick up your luggage and place it on shore at the intended pick-up point. Taking a cruise vacation frees you from so many of the hassles of traveling, and leaves you with more time to relax and enjoy your destination.Celebrity Cruise Lines offer some of the best deals in the business. Conde Nast Traveler consistently rates Celebrity Cruises as one of the world's best cruise lines. Services include informative lectures about your location, upscale boutiques, and Las Vegas style entertainment created for Celebrity by Cirque du Soleil. Try your luck in the Casino or collect fine art during an onboad auction. The nightlife spectacular at The Bar At The Edge of the Earth.There's a whole world of pampering waiting for you at the world-famous Aqua-Spa by Elemis. Try a deluxe manicure, a luxurious facial or a relaxing massage. There is even acupuncture by a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese medicine as well. You'll feel renewed and invigorated.Children feel right at home on a Celebrity Cruise. The Celebrity X-Club Youth Program has age-specific activities and entertainment for every child. Science and nature exploration, talent shows, treasure hunts, children's dinner parties, slumber parties and more are all arranged by professional staff. Special areas of the ship are set aside for children only, such as the Shipmates Fun Factory, teen center and pools. When the ship is docked, adults have the option of going on tours by themselves while the children are supervised onboard. What could be more enjoyable or safer?Age or disability are no impediment to cruising. Ships are designed for mobility-impaired passengers, and staff is always ready to assist. Celebrity accommodates those who need dialysis or oxygen, and other medical services can be arranged if requested beforehand. Emergency care is always available on board, saving you the trouble of finding a doctor who speaks your language in a foreign country.Dinner is a vital event in itself on a cruise ship, a tradition dating back to the late 1800's when cruises were for royalty and the wealthy who expected elegant formal dinners. Again, in today's lifestyle the elegant dinner is optional, and for those who like to dine casually, food is available around the clock . However, for those who like a ritzy event where they can show off their best attire and jewelry, there are optional formal dinners where ladies wear long formal gowns or evening dresses and gentlemen have on tuxedos.Did I forget to mention the cruise destination itself? Celebrity Cruises dock at a different port of call every day or two, depending upon distances and sailing time between points of interest. You can stay aboard the ship all day or disembark. You are free to explore every destination on your itinerary as long as you return to the ship before departure time.For a small additional fee, Celebrity offers adventures geared toward the unique features of each destination. As an example, Caribbean cruises offer snorkeling, diving or beach excursions while Alaskan cruises offer helicopter tours or sea kayak trips. For the less adventuresome, commonly there are bus tours or even supervised shopping excursions in the local port. Every single thing, including meals, is prearranged. All you have to do is find the correct line onshore and an experienced guide handles the rest of your tour.
Author BioAuthor is J Shipper who is very interested in Cruises. Check out www.celebrity-cruise-now.info www.2qz.com/condo-cruise-ship www.condo-cruise-ship.com
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content
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Sea Kayak Accessories – Essential And Fun Accessories For Kayakers
Sea Eagle.com is well known for their inflatable whitewater and ocean kayaks. The manufacturer offers a complete line of sea kayak accessories. Some of these accessory items are essential for your safety on the ocean or whitewater trips, others fit into the ‘fun’ category.
Some of the most common inflatable ocean kayak accessory items include:
Life jackets and paddling vests – Coast Guard approved PFDs are a must for owners of inflatable boats and kayaks.
Inflator pump – You can inflate your sea kayak with a hand operated pump. A 110 V high volume inflator/deflator makes the job easier and faster.
Repair kit for kayaks – This is an essential accessory item in case the kayak develops a leak. The kit contains two patches of the hull material, glue and a valve replacement tool.
Bilge pump – A high volume hand operated bilge pump is essential for getting the water out of the inflatable when on the water.
Storage bags for bow and stern – Great boating accessories for storing your supplies and gear.
Kayak carry bag – Deflate and roll up the inflatable sea kayak, then place it on the bag and wrap the bag around it for easy storage.
Seats – It’s nice to have a seat with a back rest in your ocean kayak for long paddling or rowing. These Deluxe seats are very comfortableAlthough there are many more types of accessories you can get for your inflatable ocean kayak, this will give you an idea of what is available.
The most important accessory on the above list is the life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD). A PFD is not considered an accessory for any boat, whether it is an ocean kayak or a dinghy. It is an essential part of any sea kayaking equipment and you should never go out in any inflatable without wearing a Coast Guard approved life vest.
The second most important inflatable boat accessory is your hull repair kit. Although Sea Eagle has a small patch kit for minor repairs there is a better inflatable ocean kayak repair kit available for bigger jobs from Tuff Coat. Most if not all of these boating accessories can be bought from the manufacturer or retailer where you bought the kayak.
About the Author:Kevin Urban is the editor at http://www.inflatable-boats-n-kayaks.com, a practical guide on inflatable boats and hovercrafts.
Article Tags: inflatable, kayak, ocean
Read more articles by: Kevin Urban Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=56633&ca=Recreation
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Can A Used Kayak Be As Good As A New One?
A new kayak costs a lot of money. But with a little research, a used kayak can be just as good at half the price.
Kayaks are a big investment for many people. Paying for a kayak does not have to hurt. You can buy a used tandem kayak. Tandem is another large kayak maker that produces dozens of different models of kayak. The Tandem brand has been around long enough that great Tandem kayaks can be bought used for excellent prices and, most of the time, in good shape.
It is easy to find a used kayak. The best way to find a good used kayak is to use the Internet. You will be able to find personal used boats for sale as well as sales through dealers. Modern kayaks have such high quality that demand is rapidly growing for good used models. You can save a lot of money by looking for a used kayak.
When buying a used kayak, it is important to inspect the boat thoroughly before buying it. Kayaks must be in like-new condition. You do not want to put your money into a boat that has been damaged. Dents or patches on the kayak's hull can degrade with the boat's performance. When you have done your thorough check, you might have found a great deal if the kayak is in excellent shape. You could spend thousands of dollars on a new kayak, but you might spend less than half that on a used one! Saving money is important, but so is investing your money.
Before you go to inspect a used kayak, be sure you have done good research and have found the best deals available. You will also want to be sure that you are close to where you plan to buy the used kayak. Your research could be a great reward.
You will then be able to afford more and better equipment, and, just as important, be able to spend more time on the water.
About the Author:You can find great deals, tips and news, information and reviews to help you find used kayaks at http://CanoesAndKayaks.info. This article can be reproduced in full as long as the resource box and live links remain intact. Copyright http://www.canoesandkayaks.info.
Article Tags: kayak, money, tandem
Read more articles by: Niall Barco Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=25235&ca=Sports
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Kayak Equipment
Enjoying the sport of kayaking takes more than a kayak. You'll also need the right kayaking equipment.
When you venture out to purchase a kayak, don't forget to stock up on all of the essential kayak equipment. The kayak itself is secondary. To make sure that you don't spend your entire budget on the boat, and be forced to settle for second-rate equipment, always purchase your kayak equipment first.
Your kayaking experience will be far less enjoyable if you're up the creek with a poor paddle.
Be sure to have these items on your kayak equipment-shopping list:
* Paddles* Paddle float* Life jackets* Wet suit* Footwear* Spray skirts* Dry bags
If you plan to buy and use a kayak, these pieces are absolutely essential.
Some pieces of kayaking equipment are necessary, others can be considered optional. The most important pieces of must-have kayaking equipment are the paddles. Without good paddles, you'll have trouble navigating your kayak and will not enjoy the experience as much. On the other hand, every kayaker does not require wet suits. Wet suits are only necessary if you are planning on kayaking in cold weather or water. Extreme kayak lovers and professional kayakers generally use Wetsuits.
Life jackets are vitally important to kayakers of every skill level. Even the most skilled kayaker will hit rough water or tip the boat. With no flotation device or life jacket, serious injury or death can occur. Kayaking without a lifejacket is dangerous and against the law. Ensure that you and your passenger have properly fitted lifejackets.
Everyone can find kayaking to be a fun and rewarding sport. With the right kayaking equipment, your adventure over stream, lake and river can be enjoyable and worry-free.
Make your list, and check it twice. Be sure to invest in top quality kayak equipment, and then go shopping for your boat. When you venture out in your new kayak, you'll be ready for any adventure.
About the Author:Daniel Thomas contributes articles to several online magazines, on sports and recreation and recreation and travel issues.
Article Tags: equipment, kayak, kayaking
Read more articles by: Daniel Thomas Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=104852&ca=Sports
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Experience The Sea At Orlando’s Sea World
Education, entertainment, wildlife conservation and thrills are what you can expect at Orlando’s SeaWorld. This park has been called the most popular marine-life park in the world, and it certainly lives up to its reputation.
At SeaWorld you can get up close to dolphins, stingrays, water turtles, penguins and the other creatures that inhabit the seas of the earth. Let’s look at some of the attractions that you can experience at this park.
The Wild Arctic is a popular favorite. Here, you'll enter a frozen wonderland with walls of ice nearly a half-inch thick. Exploring this multi-level ecosystem, you'll encounter abundant Arctic animal life seemingly drawn to the old ship. This includes face to face encounters with real walruses, beluga whales, and two famous polar bears named Klondike and Snow.
Do you like penguins? If so then you should make it a point to visit the Penguin Encounter attraction. It is Sea World’s “slice of the Antarctic” and here you can watch penguins waddle about and enjoy themselves.
Stingrays have a fearsome name, but contrary to the name and the reputation they are among the most docile animals of the sea. Visit Sea Worlds Stingray Lagoon and you can watch 200 rays glide through the waters of their protected home. If you put your hand just below the surface, you’re likely to get a velvety “high five” as they swim by. In a nearby nursery, stingray pups learn and play under the watchful eye of SeaWorld’s animal care experts, always on hand to tell you anything you want to know about these graceful, mysterious creatures.
At Turtle Point you can view 300 sea turtles, ranging from tiny hatchlings to 6-foot-long leatherbacks. At Turtle Point you can also learn about and watch some of the endangered and threatened species of sea turtles. Here, these prehistoric-looking reptiles reside in a naturalistic lagoon complete with a beach, sand dunes and indigenous plant life.
Pacific Point Preserve is a recreated Los Angeles nature preserve featuring California sea lions. Here you can meet, touch and even feed some of these remarkable animals. Be sure to get a spot at Pacific Point Preserve at feeding time and you’ll be in for a treat. This laid back community of California sea lions and harbor seals are always ready to entertain a crowd with their animated vocals and endless antics.
In addition to the thrill and wonder of seeing amazing sea creatures up close, the park also has sea-themed thrill rides. One of the newest is Journey to Atlantis.
Here is how the Sea World website, www.seaworld.com, describes this ride: “Brave twists, turns, and watery falls of mythical proportions as you explore the mysterious, lost city of Atlantis aboard this thrilling water coaster ride. Journey along a dark, watery passageway through this sunken city guarded by sirens, whose fury casts riders out on some of the steepest, wettest plunges you’ll find, sending you racing out of the gates of this ill fated utopian paradise.” You can expect to get wet on this ride, so be prepared.
To top off the thrills, SeaWorld is also home to the Kraken, the tallest, fastest, longest and only floorless roller coaster in Orlando. That’s right, it has no floor! Imagine a roller coaster that takes you to heights of a 15-story building, and puts you upside down seven times at speeds reaching 65 mph! Whew, that's Kraken and it can only be found at SeaWorld. (You must be 54 inches tall to ride).
After you have been thrilled by the rides and delighted by the sea creatures, you can chill out at the park’s entertainment and dining area, known as the Waterfront. There is no doubt about it; SeaWorld has a combination of attractions, thrills and fun that is sure to bring a smile to every member of your family.
About the Author:Mark Whichard and his wife Susan are experts in the field of Orlando Disney Villa rentals with experience dating to 1998. Visit their website: http://www.orlandodisneyvillas.com/ for more information about renting villas or homes in Orlando.
Article Tags: penguins, point, sea
Read more articles by: Mark Whichard Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=209469&ca=Travel
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Kayak Tours
When people think of "kayaking", they tend to conjure up visions of chilly boaters taking on the frigid waters of the Great White North. In fact, kayaking is a popular sport across North America and throughout the Pacific.
Virtually anywhere you go in North or South America, there are kayak tours available. Some of the best kayak tours are found in tropical areas or on the ocean. Depending on your skill level, kayak tours can teach beginners the basic techniques of the sport, or can challenge even the most experienced athlete. When you book a kayak tour, expect to take part in a great adventure.
In popular tourist areas like Costa Rica, Florida, Belize and other tropical destinations, an abundance of kayak tours are available. These tours often incorporate other activities including:
* Leisure paddling* Island exploration* Snorkeling* Scuba diving* Swimming* Fishing
These tours are guided by professional kayakers who can assist you with any problems you may have. Of course, these guides are familiar with the area and comfortable with their surroundings, so they may serve as excellent sightseeing tour guides as well.
Visit cities throughout Canada and the United States, and you will find more fantastic kayak touring opportunities. North American kayak tours can include sport and whitewater kayaking, or simply offer a relaxing paddle down a scenic river or across a quiet lake. Wherever tours are offered, lessons are generally also available for first-timers or those needed to brush up on their kayaking skills. Kayaking is a very easy sport to learn. In one day you can go from learning to kayak, to taking part in a great tour to test your new abilities.
Kayak tours are available wherever your travels take you. Even if you are not a skilled kayaker, or have never kayaked at all, you can still take part in a tour. Once you learn the sport you'll fall in love with it; and because kayaking mixes so naturally with other sports, you can work it in to any vacation itinerary.
Search for kayak tours while planning your next vacation. There are dozens of options at many popular destinations. Book a kayak tour as part of your adventure, and treat your family to a day on the water they'll never forget.
About the Author:Christopher Johnson is an author for several popular web magazines, on outdoor recreation and hobbies and recreation subjects.
Article Tags: kayak, kayaking, tour
Read more articles by: Christopher Johnson Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=108014&ca=Recreation
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Buying Your First Kayak
A couple of decades ago there were two to three models of Kayaks available. Don't be surprised if today you go in the market to find 50 different ultra specialized Kayaks.
The obvious first question is what type of kayaking will you do? Basically there is river, lake, and sea kayaking. River kayaks are very short and tough boats meant for maneuverability and the abuse of whitewater rapids. Sea kayaks are sleek and light and are designed for cruising. Then there are general kayaks that can be used on sea lakes.
There are three basic types of kayaks as far as structure and materials are concerned.
Rigid kayaks are made of plastic, wood or carbon fiber. These are usually the most affordable and are they are the most popular too. Plastic boats are tough and reliable but once damaged can be very difficult to repair. Fiberglass boats are more expensive than plastic but damage is easily repaired, they are also quite light.
For kayak enthusiasts who appreciate aesthetics and beauty, you might want to look at some wooden boats; they are carefully crafted and very beautiful kayaks. There are kits available for folks who are prepared to build their own.
A folding kayak is usually made of wood or aluminum. Their prices are usually high, but they tend to last longer, and are also quite easy to store.
Inflatable boats provide good portability and storage space. They are generally the least expensive kayaks you can buy. Kayak enthusiasts for whom storage and transportation is a major issue will find a good option in these boats.
Another choice to ponder is whether to choose a single-passenger or double-passenger kayak. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. For a fun family adventure, the double kayak is perfect. It is fast and stable but lacks the maneuverability of a single Kayak.
After deciding on the style of kayak you want to purchase, price becomes a big factor in determining exactly which model to buy. A basic entry-level plastic kayak can be found for as low as $250. Fiberglass boats can cost from anywhere around $900 to $2500. Other plastic models can run as high as $1700. If you want to go for the more exotic kayaks they would cost you a little more. Inflatable boats start at about $125 and go up to about $2000. Folding boats have a huge Price variation, in them and they can cost anywhere between $1500 to $5000.
About the Author:Jake Blackman at http://www-kayaks.info gives you the inside scoop on kayaking. You'll learn what makes a good kayak and how to prepare for a kayaking trip, and much more.
Article Tags: boats, kayak, kayaks
Read more articles by: Jake Blackman Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=51980&ca=Recreation
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Sea Kayak - Gives Endless Adventure
Sea kayak encourages the sport of paddling on open waters of lakes, bays and oceans. They are stable and seaworthy with a covered deck and ability to incorporate a spray deck if needed. One of the advantages of these kayaks is that they are extremely maneuverable and versatile and can be used for straight line paddling, comfortable long journeys and for carrying cargos. Sea kayaks has a hot market as it is used in trips which can last for few hours to many weeks, accommodating two to three paddlers along with camping gear, food, water and other supplies.
Sea kayaks are available in a wide array of material, designs and size to meet the needs of different types of paddlers. Most of the modern kayaks carry the contemporary traditional designs but some recent innovation includes: recreational kayaks, small sea kayaks with wide beam, sit-on-tops kayaks, inflatable kayaks and surf skis. Following are some of the important things to note about these kayaks:
Size: Most of these kayaks are between 12 feet to 24feet in length. The width is 18 inches to 28 inches. Specialized kayaks such as surf skis are narrower.
Materials: Many kayaks are made from fiberglass, rot molded polythene and Kevlar. Others are made of carbon fiber and royalex.
Used for trips: Modern sea kayaks are used for carrying large amount of equipments needed for long expedition from tropics to the artic.
Safety: Safety of the kayaks depends only on the paddlers, unless the weather conditions become a hurdle. A well practiced Eskimo roll is essential to safe open water kayaking.
Sea kayaks are present in the market in large amounts, so choosing the one to fit you and your needs has to be carefully done, keeping in mind some important issues as:
1. Suggested paddlers weight range is different for each kayak design.
2. There should be an ideal loading on the kayak.. Never select a kayak by its maximum capacity as many times it is tempting but the total truth is not stated.
3. Front height of the cockpit is important as higher the cockpit entry an exit becomes easy and also less water fills in your lap and inside the kayak.
4. Rear gear of the cockpit needs to be higher and should have solid back rest for comfortable cruising and long kayaking trips.
Sea kayaking is environmentally friendly and appeals to all ages as most us enjoy the beautiful nature, open spaces and fresh air. It offers special kind of freedom and is a natural progression from flat water kayaking to exploring the great oceans.
About the Author:Rajesh Karavadia is the author and webmaster of http://www.kayakscentral.com, an informative website about used kayaks and ocean kayak
Article Tags: cockpit, kayaks, sea
Read more articles by: Rajesh Karavadia Article Source: www.iSnare.com Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=174484&ca=Sports
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Prepaid SIM Cards for Thailand
If you are contemplating going to Thailand, visit the famous and popular holiday resort in Asia, the Phuket Island. You will find superb accommodation facilities with some of the finest resort hotels. Phuket Island has one of the most perfect ingredients to be a place for a perfect holiday, with its beautiful beaches, leisure diving, game fishing, elephant riding and sailing around Phi Phi and the local islands. You may decide to take the sea canoe or kayak tour of Phang Nga Bay, or try a liveaboard dive cruise to the Similan islands.
In visiting that country you will need to be in touch with your friends in Thailand and abroad, not to mention your family back home. You need your mobile phone with you. If you take the phone that you use at home, it should be on roaming plan when you are in Thailand, where costs would mount up as and when you call locally or abroad. The costs of those calls will be definitely out of proportion, more-so since you are on roaming. There is a way where you can save 80% on your calls. A pre-paid SIM card for Thailand is all you need to save your cost. You will get a local number with this pre-paid SIM card and all your incoming calls are free, no matter where they generate from. You will pay for your calls that you make like the locals do, and you will not need to enter any contact in buying this pre-paid SIM card for Thailand. You will not receive any bills at the end of the month and you will not be on roaming, saving substantially on that front. With pre-paid SIM cards, you do not have any worries regarding any bills what-so-ever. Call locally and you will pay less than 3 cents a minute on your calls and calling your family back home is as cheap as approximately 56 cents a minute. So you can realise the savings, vis-Ã -vis to your calls while you are on roaming. Planetomni offers you the best deal in such pre-paid SIM cards. Visit www.planetomni.com/FAQ_sim.shtml for more information.
When you buy the pre-paid SIM card for Thailand, you shall not only receive the SIM card, but also a a talk time credit along with it, so that you need not worry about making calls immediately on reaching Bangkok. When-ever the credit limit is exhausted, or you would want more credit to be added to your talk time, you can easily purchase re-charge vouchers or coupons from almost any shop in Thailand. These vouchers or coupons come in different denomination and you may choose as to how much call time credits that you would want to buy.
Most the part of the world operates on Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), except North America and Canada, where mobile telephony is used in limited GSM frequencies. It is most likely that the GSM phone that you have may not work in Thailand.
The GSM network has four frequency bands of operation and these are - 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900 MHz. In effect, GSM features four frequency bands. The GSM frequency band used in North America and Canada are 850 MHz and 1900 MHz bands and this sets apart the two countries from the rest of the world. Thailand works on 900MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900MHz bands. Though one of the bandwidth does match with the North American and Canadian mobile network operation, it is always better to verify this from www.planetomni.com/ before you leave home. Apparently it is always better to carry such a handset which will operate on all the frequency band of that country. For this reason, mobile handsets are available in three different categories - Dual Band, Tri-band and Quad Band. The dual band covers frequency bands of 800 MHz and 1900 MHz, the tri-band work on 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz and the quad band has an operational bandwidth of all the four bands. If you are a frequent traveler, it is always safe to carry a quad band handset with you, with no worries in your mind about its operation in the different countries that you visit. Call Planetomni to find out about renting such a mobile or if you like, buying one of those.
While on the subject of mobile handset, you must be sure that the handset you buy or rent should be SIM unlocked. When you enter into a plan with a service provider, the mobile phone might come to you free along with the SIM card. In that contract you have agreed to be with the service provider for a certain period of time. During this period, your mobile will not work with any other SIM card except the one which came along with your handset. This mobile is SIM Locked and will not work with any other SIM card. At the end of the contract period, the service provider will help you to SIM unlock the phone after which you can use that phone with any SIM card of your choice. Therefore, it is advisable for you to make sure that the phone that you are taking to Thailand is SIM unlocked, so that you can use your pre-paid SIM card for Thailand in that phone Planetomni can help you with all the matters, regarding purchase of a SIM card for Thailand to renting or buying an appropriate GSM handset which is SIM unlocked. Visit www.planetomni.com/FAQ_gsm.shtml for more details on the subject.
Cell phone use overseas. In 99% of the world the local cellular service standard is called GSM. We use this in the states as well. When combined with a SIM CARD (which usually goes under the battery of the phone) the phone is able to communicate and the SIM CARD also holds the telephone number and memory for pre-paid credit. Rates can be extremely low using this system. For example in 99% of all SIM CARDS incoming calls are free and calls to the states can cost a trifle. Such as, from the UK to the USA 7 cents/minute, from Israel 22 cents, from Australia 27 cents. Yes, USA Dollar cents! There are today even prepaid service providers in the USA offering rates of 10 cents per minute to call anywhere in the US to any type of phone. No contracts, no credit card checks, no bills. Pre-paid always means no minimums no contracts, no obligations. You only pay for the calls made. You'll need an unlocked GSM tri-band or quadband UNLOCKED phone. You can buy factory unlocked phones and sim cards for more than 170 or the 193 countries on earth from http://www.planetomni.com Tel. # 800-514-2984
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Dulaney
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How To Prepare For The Exciting Sport Of Shark Fishing
If you are actually trying to catch a shark then you should do so with forethought and preparation. The best time to catch a shark is really all year round, people will always say oh man the best time to catch a shark is in June but I think that is dead wrong. You can catch the biggest shark you have ever seen in the middle of winter. People who say that you can only catch them in one month are ignorant and uniformed. Just last week I caught a big bull shark and it's almost Christmas time. You can catch a shark at any time of the year as long as you have some bloody fish bait.
When you are going shark fishing you are going to need many things. The first thing you are going to need is a few shark rods and reels. You will want to have something so that they cannot spool all your line out then rip the rod out of your hand. You will want to have a big rod and reel like a boat rod. You will also need some sort of mode to get your bait out in the water casting it will not work since you are going to have about a 10 foot steel cable leader. You will want a kayak or small boat to run your baits out. I think the best rod to use is a big boat rod so that you ca catch anything, when you are shark fishing you can catch other things besides sharks, other fish eat the same stuff that a shark will.
You will also need to know which type of shark it is you want to catch. You can catch mostly all types of sharks inshore, such as bull sharks, tiger sharks, black tip sharks, and lemon sharks. Basically if you live on the North American continent you will be able to catch a wide variety of sharks. A lot of people think that you cannot catch certain sharks all over the world but they are wrong you can catch just about every kind of shark in the Atlantic Ocean.
After you have your bait in the water all you do is wait for the run. Once you have that bait in the water and on the bottom you will just have to wait until something takes the bait. You will know when something takes your bait it will pick it up and run with it. You will want to let the shark or fish it all the bait so give it team then you will want to set the hook. After the hook is set you will want to just let the fish run and do its thing until it is tired then you can either reel them in or it will be a fight to last for hours. I have friends that have fought sharks for hours and haven't even caught them that are how big and gnarly they were. What are you waiting for, get out there and experience them for yourself.
Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about shark fishing as well as saltwater fishing gear at http://www.nsearch.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregg_Hall
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Yellowstone Tours
The tourist season at Yellowstone National Park is divided into Winter and Summer. Since the weather can be extreme in both the seasons activities and tours are season-specific. Therefore a visit to the park and subsequent tours should be planned according to what your favorite kind of activity is like.
Among the tours offered at Yellowstone are traditional ones like coach tours for wildlife viewing and more unusual ones like horseback tours as well tours on llamas. The latter activity has also coined a new term called llamaneering. Since these animals have long been used as pack animals, they are sturdy and tough yet very manageable. These tours also include layover days which allow the hikers to enjoy fishing and climbing peaks. The horseback tours and the llama tours are spread over a number of days and each day ends with setting up camp at regular sites. Those who enjoy mountain biking can also undertake the mountain bike tour of the park which is organized during the summer season.
Another popular way to experience and see Yellowstone is through its myriad waterways. There are special Kayak tours as well as rented and guided boat tours available for those who wish to see the land from the water.
For those with a passion for photography, you can take a photography tour of a place that is so spectacular in its scenery that it is almost impossible to take a bad picture. Regular photography tours of Yellowstone are undertaken where an expert photographer acts as a guide and helps in mastering the technique of wildlife and nature photography.
During winter, snowshoeing and snowcoach tours are organized. These tours allow the visitor to see the face of Yellowstone in the winter and experience true harmony with nature. Since most of Yellowstone is backcountry, it lends itself to cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. In winter months the paved roads of the park are not cleared of snow, therefore snowcoaches are the only motorized access possible into the park.
These tours truly allow a visitor to Yellowstone to experience nature at its greatest.
For more information on Yellowstone tours:
Yellowstone National Park provides detailed information on Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Vacations, Yellowstone Hotels, Yellowstone Tours and more. Yellowstone National Park is affiliated with Glacier National Parks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Morva
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Kayaking Helmet From Cascade And A Few Other Makes
Cascade White Water Kayaking helmets are the ideal helmets that provide the white water kayaker a complete solution for all their demands and have multi-impact liner, amazing drainage as well as a cinch fit that is without parallel. These kayaking helmets are built by Cascade using a luxurious, patented, concussion-resistant expanded polypropylene liner and its one of a kind helmet retention system does not allow it to roll and it also has a four point strap system that is not a part of the chin strap. The padding that this helmet has makes it possible for it to truly fit the user and the system of strapping gives added measure of support that is quite unique. The Cascade White Water kayaking helmet is constructed with closed cell technology that makes it able to not retain sweat and slots in the foam does not allow for binding in the temple area.
The Cascade White Water kayaking helmet also has EPP foam lining as well as a plastic polypethelene plastic shell and the EPP foam allows for multi-impact. This helmet though is not able to provide protection from all types of injuries such as head, brain, spin, facial as well as fatal injuries. This should be understood at the outset before purchasing such a kayaking helmet, especially as water sport activities are known to be dangerous and there are attendant risks attached that may result in hurting the head, brain, neck as well cause death.
Steady Helmets Are Quite A Necessity
When selecting a kayaking helmet, one should take care that the inside of the helmet is able to withstand the wear and tear associated with kayaking and it should also stay steady on the head. When the kayaker rolls or goes underwater or has some bumpy paddling to contend with sometimes the kayaking helmet may need to be adjusted and one should look for helmets that actually stay fixed on the head and do not move from their original position. In order to select a suitable kayaking helmet one might do worse than look at a number of big name companies manufacturing such helmets.
They are Predator Kayak Helmets, J3 Kayak Helmets, Greatful Heads, Shred Ready and Sweet Kayaking helmets. Predator kayak helmets are fantastically priced and have big coverage area along with a reduced price tag. J3 have some nifty freestyle kayak helmets that are designed specially for freestyle kayaking and are also decently priced. Greatful helmets are very popular with kayakers who use them for years on end and have various styles and different colors. One of the most popular kayaking helmets are those made by Shred Ready and are certainly very big and cost an average amount. Finally, Sweet Kayaking helmets are Norwegian helmets and are wonderful for daily kayaking but are more expensive as compared to other similar helmets.
Find out all you need to know about Kayaking Equipement at our brand new website: All About Kayaking.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathalie_Lafleur
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Paddling Styles For Sea Kayaking
The sea kayaking paddles and their associated paddling styles fall under two classifications-European and Greenland. Let us discuss about these styles in detail.
Paddle Style
European style: European paddles are blades in the shape of spoons at each end of a cylindrical shaft. European paddle style was developed for sudden maneuvering and fast acceleration in whitewater kayaking and then extended into sea kayaking. These paddles are made of aluminum, wood, or plastic. However, the best paddles are made of costlier material such as carbon fiber for lightness. The two spoon-like blades are set at an angle relative to one another (feathered) for enhanced efficiency as in this manner one blade moves backwards while the opposite one which is moving forward through air presents edge rather than face.
Greenland style: Greenland paddle is a long, narrow, and flat wooden plank with a cylindrical grip at center. It is like two elongated cricket bats that are joined at their handle base. Greenland is the traditional paddle style of Inuit hunters due to their material constraints (driftwood). The blades of Greenland paddles are feathered as in European paddles. The Greenland paddle is narrow in comparison to European paddle and is 7 feet long. The paddling technique involves more paddle movement in the paddlers’ hand and demands a huge variety of techniques for a capsized kayak by using combinations of both paddle and body movements. Many of these movements depend upon additional buoyancy of wooden paddle. Some other Greenland paddling techniques are associated with the other elements of Greenland style conditions and equipments and with the Greenland kayak design. Paddlers in modern kayaks sometimes even use Greenland paddle style.
Paddlers’ Safety
Paddling technique is important but even more significant is safety of paddlers in challenging conditions. Nowadays kayakers consider Eskimo roll a well-practiced self-righting move to be safe in open water kayaking even though it is a difficult and impossible maneuver to make in heavy-laden boats. Paddlers consider capsize the safest to paddle with one, two or more paddlers, as success of assisted rescue is more likely. Experienced paddlers attempt open water crossings without anyone accompanying them and various major long distance kayak expeditions are also carried out alone (solo). Sea kayakers are self-sufficient and carry extensive safety equipments like repair kits, towing lines, and survival gear along with them. Modern sea kayaks are so designed that they can carry a number of equipments for safety reasons while on expedition of two or more weeks without anyone’s support. So if you are going sea kayaking choose your paddle style accordingly and don’t forget to carry safety equipments along with you.
Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Kayaking information site. For more articles and resources on Kayaking related topics, visit his site at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Milos_Pesic
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Take Your Family Kayaking For A Fun Family Outing
According to the latest statistics, kayaking is one of the fastest growing outdoor sports activities in the United States today, with well over a million people already paddling and a great many more potential water loving outdoor enthusiasts looking to join the "kayaking club." Kayaking is especially attractive for people with families offering an easy way to get everyone together and also because it offers affordable equipment and instruction. Small children as young as four years old can easily and safely join in this fun family experience and learn a skill and fun hobby that can be enjoyed throughout an entire lifetime.
If you think you would like to give this a shot for your family the first thing you need to do is determine how many kayaks you will need. Even though there are four person kayaks offered by some manufacturers, in most cases you are better off splitting up into two groups and buy two, two-seaters instead. This way if you have a family of four you will have one parent and one child in each kayak. Be sure that the paddles are of the appropriate size for each person and also that you have the correct life jacket sizes for each person participating.
Now you will need to ascertain what each person's skill level is. For example if dad is highly skilled and mom is moderately skilled but none of the children have ever kayaked before the best idea may be to take a kayaking class for the entire family before you go out on any intense kayaking trips so that everyone knows how to do the basics.
If you are just now beginning to look into kayaking you may want to rent kayaks a few times first to see how everyone likes it before you go all out and spend a couple thousand dollars on kayaks and accessories. Depending upon where you live you can rent kayaks from $30 an hour to as much as a hundred an hour or more for guided tours. If your family falls in love with the sport you will be able to find kayaks under $500 for starters and you can pay as much as $9,000 for an extreme custom made one, although I can't imagine why you would need one that extreme.
The beauty of the family kayaking experience is that it helps to bring families together to focus on accomplishing common goals. This is a fun and healthy undertaking that is much better to do as a family than many other activities and even though it takes a little effort it is way better for you than just going out to the movies or something similarly sedentary.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Kayak Accessories at http://www.kayakaccessoriesplus.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregg_Hall
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Kayaking in Washington State
There are some states that lend themselves to kayaking while others do not. Kayaking in Washington State will quickly lead you to conclude Washington is one of the top states for a paddle.
The West Coast of the United States is a great place to take your family's next vacation. The many different climates, scenery and outdoor spots to see make this area of the country a good choice for a trip that will be memorable and enjoyable. One state to make sure to see on your trip to the west coast is Washington – and an activity you should be sure to do while here is kayaking. Kayaking in Washington state can be perfect for the whole family.
Kayaking is a great water sport for those who want a little adventure on their next vacation. A kayak is a type of small watercraft that is human-powered, meaning the passengers must paddle the boat in order to get to their destination, instead of just relying on a motor or wind power. Kayaks are typically covered boats with a canoe-like shape, that also include a spray skirt that covers the passengers (paddlers) sitting in the cockpit. A kayak can accommodate between one and three paddlers at a time.
Washington is a state that's perfect for both beginners and experts to enjoy kayaking. The beautiful inlet waters of Puget Sound offer a protected and tranquil area for people who want to try the more challenging sport of sea kayaking. San Juan Island, located near Seattle, Washington, are a perfect place to sea kayak, and this place even offers the opportunity to see orca whales while paddling! MSNBC (news network) even rated kayaking by San Juan Island one of the top ten adventures in the United States.
San Juan Safaris offers some of the most highly rated kayaking in Washington state, with three hour sea kayaking tours and three hour family kayaking tours available to take part in. Take your trip during spring, summer or fall to make sure that you'll see the beautiful orca whales cresting in the ocean while you're paddling your kayak on your tour. You can also rent a kayak from San Juan Safaris, and while on San Juan Island, enjoy some of the hiking and other outdoor activities that are available.
Whether you're with the family or on your own, kayaking in Washington State is a great trip for those who are looking for a different sort of outdoor vacation. Sea kayaking, with its adventurous spirit as well as relaxing scenery, makes a good trip for anyone looking to try something new – and you'll be sure to want to return again and again.
Rick Chapo is with NomadJournals.com - makers of paddle sport journals that make unique birthday gifts.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Chapo
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Kayaking - Indiana
When you think of kayaking, you probably do not think of Indiana. If you are in the state, however, kayaking in Indiana may prove to be surprisingly fun.
Indiana is not the first state in which you might expect to find water activities or sports. Relatively landlocked, and located in the Midwest away from any coastal areas, Indiana still manages to play host to a number of outdoor activities involving water. One such activity is kayaking – Indiana offers both the experienced and novice kayak paddler a great place to enjoy this exciting water sport. The many kayak rental and tour companies found on the rivers of Indiana offer families and others a great place to explore the world of kayaking.
A kayak is a human-powered boat, meaning that no motors or external power such as wind is used to power the boat. It is typically a covered canoe shaped boat, that also includes a canopy over the cockpit, or area where the paddler sits. Kayaks are paddled with at least two paddles, and generally can hold between one and three paddlers. Kayaks are also designed quite differently than canoes, although shaped somewhat similarly, and are not at all the same even though in some countries such as Great Britain they are both called canoes.
One place that kayaking Indiana is really popular is at Blue's Canoe Livery, located in a remote spot 45 miles south of Indianapolis, Indiana. Blue's Canoe Livery offers canoe and kayaking trips on the Driftwood River, which runs through the central southern portion of the state. This canoe tour company stocks enough canoes and kayaks that they can outfit several large groups at a time, meaning that you needn't bring your own equipment – they'll be sure to have some you can rent. Camping is also available through Blue's Canoe Livery.
This kayaking company offers trips from their livery to Atterbury (a trip that takes two to three hours and is about six miles long), and from the livery to Furnas Mill (an eight mile long trip that takes three to five hours). If you choose to take part in the overnight camping available here, you can use your own tent, and modern amenities such as hot showers are available.
No matter which place you choose for kayaking, Indiana offers many different rivers and tour guides to make your kayaking adventure exciting and comfortable. You can choose to kayak on a day trip, stay overnight, or even make an entire vacation based around this fun water sport – it's all up to you and your family!
Rick Chapo is with NomadJournals.com - makers of paddle sport journals that make unique birthday gifts.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Chapo
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Whitewater Kayaking: Know About It
Whitewater kayaking is a paddling sport in which a kayak (boat) is paddled on a moving water body. For some whitewater kayaking may be a fun carefree trip down the river while for some others, it is a challenging sport. Whitewater kayaking boats differ from those used in sea kayaking or whitewater racing.
Traditional kayaks were made of animal skins. Earlier whitewater kayaks were made of Kevlar or fiberglass but nowadays they are made of tough plastic, which is durable and flexible. Normally the size of a kayak ranges from 6-12 feet but sometimes it can be even longer.
Whitewater Kayaking Categories:
River Running- River running is a tour down the river. It is done for enjoyment as well as for experiencing the challenge of whitewater kayaking. It includes both short as well as long multi-day trips. Multi-day trips use gear-toting rafts for a comfortable experience. The competitive aspect of river running is whitewater racing.
Creeking- This involves typical and technical rapids. Creeking not only involves higher gradient but is also likely to include slides, running ledges, and waterfalls on small rivers. Creeking kayaks are high volume, rounded bow, and stern boats. These features provide extra safety margin against spinning and the kayak is controlled and resurfaces more quickly when coming off large drops. The competitive form of creeking is extreme racing.
Slalom- This is another form of whitewater kayaking. Kayakers try to make way in a designated section of river within a time limit and correctly negotiate gates at the same time. There are 20-25 gates, which should be navigated sequentially during the race. Red gates must be negotiated in upstream direction and green gates in downstream. The gate placement and precisely paddling through them fast without touching the pole makes the move harder and tougher. Pro-level Slalom competitions have specific width and length requirements of boats that are made of fiberglass, Kevlar, carbon fiber so that they are lightweight and have faster hull speed. Slalom is the only whitewater kayaking sport in Olympics.
Play boating- Play boating is also known as freestyle kayaking. This is more an artistic and gymnastic kind of whitewater kayaking. The other whitewater kayaking varieties involve going from point A to B but in play boating, the play boaters often remain in one place in river. The play boaters work with and against the forces of river and perform various maneuvers like surfing, spinning and several vertical moves by staying in one spot. Recently aerial moves became accessible in which paddlers perform tricks. Play boating kayaks usually have low volume bow and stern enabling the paddler to submerge the kayak ends easily. In US, play boating competitions are known as whitewater rodeo but in UK and Europe, it is known as freestyle kayaking.
Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Kayaking information site. For more articles and resources on Kayaking related topics, visit his site at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Milos_Pesic
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Selecting a Guided Sea Kayak Tour in Baja California, Mexico
Many of the tour operators in the southern half of the Baja peninsula, in the state of Baja California Sur, Mexico base out of Loreto or La Paz; coastal communities on the Sea of Cortes side of the peninsula. Most of the tours visit uninhabited islands and coastlines near those two starting points. The reason no multi-day tours go out of Cabo San Lucas is because there are no nearby islands to paddle to and the sea is much more exposed there.
Loreto & La Paz comparison
Loreto is a sleepy Mexican fishing village about 8 hours by car from Cabo San Lucas. It was the original capital of the peninsula until 1828 when a hurricane leveled the town and the capital was permanently moved to La Paz. La Paz, a city of 250,000, is the main ferry terminus to mainland Mexico, and is located approximately half way between Loreto and Cabo.
Loreto has limited flights arriving daily from Los Angeles or San Diego on Aero Mexico, Alaska and Aero California. La Paz has more options of flights in and out on those carriers and others. Loreto is a 2-day drive south from San Diego in California, USA. Some guests elect to fly into Cabo San Lucas to take advantage of cheap flights, and take an air-conditioned bus to either Loreto or La Paz for a fraction of what it would cost in USA.
Both Loreto and La Paz have several large uninhabited islands nearby that are exquisite for paddling and exploring. Both Loreto and La Paz are within reach of Magdalena Bay, the gray whale lagoon on the Pacific side of the peninsula. All the islands in the Sea of Cortez and all three gray whale lagoons on the Pacific Coast have Mexican national park status, and all outfitters and private parties must have the proper permits. Be sure to go with an outfitter than has the proper operating permits, or if you are in a private party do obtain the proper permits from the national park office in both communities, as federal officers do regular site inspections in the park areas.
Private parties are not permitted at all in Magdalena Bay, although they are allowed with permits in the Sea of Cortez. Permitted outfitters are committed to preserving the laws and environment in which they operate and must pay all appropriate taxes to Mexico, must hire and train locals to be sea kayak guides and logistics managers, and have proper liability insurance and safety procedures/training.
Self-supported vs. motorboat supported tours
Most sea kayak tour operators fall into either of these two camps, so be sure you inquire about what kind of tour the company runs, and what they include in the tour price. Most tour outfitters have mostly double kayaks since the majority of guests are fairly new to kayaking, but some will have single kayaks along, too, for folks to rotate into. So this is another issue to explore. Weather in Baja California Sur
Daytime temperatures late December through February range from the 70’s to 80’s (degrees F), and night temperatures can dip to the 40’s, requiring a warm sweater and hat. March thought early May they range from the mid-80’s to mid-90’s during the day, and 55-60 at night. While rain is infrequent on the Baja peninsula, it does occur December – February. Bring synthetic and cotton clothes, in layers to provide for weather extremes (your outfitter will provide an equipment list).
Water temperatures range from 68 to72 degrees F (some find a wet suit a good idea December through March for snorkeling). SPF clothing, light-colored, long-sleeved shirt and long pants & hats are rapidly gaining in popularity and are great for outdoor travel in sunny climes. Periods of strong winds for up to 2-3 days at a time can occur in this part of the world from November through March, although they start tapering off in February and March. Hurricane season is August through November. Temperatures soar above 110 degrees F in June, July and August, thus most outfitters don’t operate tours then.
Whales in Baja California Sur
The rare blue whale/ largest loving creature in the world today, and the fin whale frequent the Sea of Cortez February through mid April, as well as the occasional humpback. The once endangered California gray whale, whose population now numbers about 28,000, migrates each fall and winter down the Pacific coast from Alaska to spend the month of February and first couple weeks of March in the three large lagoon/inner waterways of Baja California peninsula's Pacific coast. There they rest, give birth and mate before heading beck toward Alaska in late March.
Mexico strictly protects the California gray whale lagoons, thus one can only go into the lagoons with a licensed kayak tour operator or motorized tour operator. Common dolphins/ bottle nose dolphins and California sea lions are commonly seen throughout the waters of Baja. A common myth is that one can pet a whale from a kayak - this has never been known to happen. They move much faster than a kayak can paddle, and have never shown curiosity in kayaks.
However, it is becoming more and more common for gray whales in the lagoons of the Pacific coast to approach motorized boats and even occasionally be petted by humans. The boat operators licensed by the Mexican government are quite expert at knowing how to let the whales approach them, and on ways to avoid stressing the whales.
Why go with an outfitter
The seas and winds can be quite challenging at times, and destinations remote, thus seasoned guides are an invaluable asset unless you are very experienced in self supported tours in this kind of environment -and even then, there are weather patterns unique to the Sea of Cortez. A permitted outfitter will have the knowledge; experience, sound equipment, and the commitment to safety and service that can allow you to relax and enjoy your vacation in Baja California. Also, due to the remoteness of the southern part of the Baja peninsula, the weather, and liability issues, finding expedition kayaks to rent in Loreto or La Paz is extremely difficult (outfitters don't want to rent out their touring boats since they need them to run their tours).
Why Sea Kayaking
It is a magical, quiet sport quickly and easily learned; the craft are stable and seaworthy. Wildlife is less threatened by a person quietly drifting by in a kayak than any other approach. It is a great way to spend time with new friends in a wilderness setting. Kayaks can carry more gear than backpacks so many former hikers are turning to sea kayaking. Come see why sea kayaking is exploding in popularity, by going on a guided sea kayak tour in a beautiful setting.
Nancy lives in Coeur d'Alene Idaho and her company, Sea Kayak Adventures, offers guided kayak tours in Mexico's Baja Peninsula and British Columbia Canada's Vancouver Island. An avid paddler, she started sea kayaking in Baja in 1988 and since then has explored waters from Yukon to Ecuador.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nancy_Mertz
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